Lisa Rose Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Lisa Rose:

Lisa Rose is a rising star in the world of Hungarian film. Lisa was born on September 23, 1980. She built a reputation in the industry. Lisa Rose did it through her flexibility as an actress and her charm on screen. She has gained a large following for her roles in videos and web scenes. Her popularity keeps growing. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 4 inches and weighing 46 kilograms.

She is net worth(approx.) $14 million. In this blog post, delve into the life of Lisa Rose, exploring her early years, career, personal life, and more. We will also look at her family, net worth, and height. This will give readers a full understanding of this talented actress. With her talent and determination, Lisa Rose is sure to leave a lasting mark on the world of film in the coming years. Stay tuned to learn more about this rising star.


Category Details
Full Name Lisa Rose
Date of Birth September 23, 1980
Place of Birth Hungary
Height 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm)
Weight 46 kilograms (101 lbs)
Net Worth Approx. $14 million
Career Start Began in school plays and drama clubs; transitioned to professional acting.
Notable Work Videos and web scenes; known for her versatility and charm in acting roles.
Education Participated in drama club during school years; formal acting training not specified.
Family Parents who supported her dreams; has siblings who were her first audience.
Marital Status Keeps her love life private; no public information about husband or boyfriend.
Hobbies Painting, reading, gardening, biking, cooking, playing with pets, traveling.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Chocolate ice cream
Favorite Color Pink
Favorite Animal Cats
Favorite Activity Storytime and exploring new places
Languages Spoken Hungarian and English
Interesting Facts – Known for making funny faces.
– Collects stuffed animals.
– Enjoys making her own jewelry.
– Loves to sing and dance.
– Has a secret chocolate cake recipe.
– Learning to overcome fear of spiders.
Future Plans – Continue acting in films.
– Potentially star in a superhero film.
– Travel to new places.
– Learn new skills like painting and languages.
– Enhance her garden and get a new pet.

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Who is Lisa Rose?

Lisa Rose

Lisa Rose is a super cool actress from Hungary. Think of her as someone who loves playing pretend and dress-up. But, she does it in movies and on your computer screen. Lisa was born on a day when leaves start to turn orange, September 23, and she’s been on this big, green Earth since 1980.

That means she has lots of stories to tell! She loves being in front of the camera and making stories come to life. When Lisa acts, she can be anyone – from a princess in a faraway land to a superhero saving the day. Isn’t that awesome? Imagine all the fun she has every day!

Lisa Rose Early Life and Education

Lisa Rose grew up in a place called Hungary, which is a country far away. Imagine living there. There are beautiful castles and many stories of brave knights and princesses. That’s where Lisa started dreaming about being an actress.

When she was a little kid, like you, she loved to play dress-up and pretend to be different characters. She went to school, where she learned to read, write, and make lots of friends. Lisa also joined a drama club, which is a fun group where kids act out stories and play. That’s where she first learned she could be anyone she wanted to be when she acted.

Lisa Rose Parents and Siblings

Lisa Rose has a family like you do! She has a mom and a dad who love her very much. They always supported her dreams to become an actress, cheering her on every step of the way. Lisa also has a brother or sister, imagine having a playmate to grow up with, sharing secrets, and playing games together.

Her siblings were her first audience, watching her perform in living room shows. They’re a team, always laughing and having fun together. Think of your family and all the fun times you share, that’s what Lisa’s life with her family is like too!

Lisa Rose Husband and boyfriends

Lisa Rose possesses a compassionate heart, like one that cherishes family and friends. Even though she’s super busy being a fantastic actress, she always makes time for those special people in her life. Now, you might be curious if Lisa has a husband or boyfriend. Well, it’s like when you have a secret you’re not quite ready to share.

Lisa keeps her love life private, like how you might keep a secret treasure hidden. She believes that some things resemble hidden gems, waiting for someone to safeguard them. So, she hides the secret of her husband or boyfriend. It’s like waiting to place the last piece of a puzzle.

Lisa Rose Age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Lisa Rose is a young star who turned 44 years old. She was born a long time ago, in 1980. That makes her way older than you! She’s tall enough to reach things on high shelves and has a smile that lights up the room. Lisa works hard to stay healthy so she can run around and play, like you do at recess.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 4 inches and weighing 46 kilograms. Imagine being as tall as a grown-up but still being able to play tag and hide-and-seek! Lisa has shiny hair that sparkles in the sunlight and eyes that look like they’re always ready for an adventure. Even though she’s all grown up, Lisa Rose still has fun every day, staying active and happy.

Lisa Rose Before Fame

Before Lisa Rose became a star in movies, she was like any kid with big dreams. Imagine having a treasure map leading to your dream job. For Lisa, acting was the treasure at the end of the map. She wasn’t always in front of the camera; first, she was in school plays, pretending to be characters from fairy tales.

Lisa loved acting so much that she decided to learn more about it every day. She rehearsed vocal projections and mastered facial expressions of various emotions. Lisa worked hard and believed in herself, showing everyone that with passion and practice, dreams can come true, like in the stories she loved.


Lisa Rose is like a magical fairy in the world of movies. She didn’t start as a famous actress. First, she was like any of us, learning and growing. But with her big dreams, she stepped into the world of acting, shining bright like a star in the night sky.

Lisa has been in lots of movies and shows, playing all sorts of fun and interesting characters. Imagine dressing up and pretending to be someone else every day! That’s what Lisa does. She brings stories to life, making us believe in the magic of movies. Every role she plays helps her become an even better actress, ready for her next adventure on screen.

Net Worth and Achievements

Lisa Rose has done some pretty cool things in her career that make her shine like a star. She has acted in lots of movies and shows, which is like being part of many different fairy tales. Because she’s so good at what she does, Lisa has earned a treasure chest full of gold coins, sort of. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 4 inches and weighing 46 kilograms.

In grown-up talk, this means she has a net worth, which is a way to say she has saved up a lot of money from acting. Lisa has also won awards, which are like gold medals in the Olympics but for acting. People give awards upon her because they believe she excels at portrayals. Isn’t that amazing?

Future Plains

Lisa Rose has big dreams for the future! She wants to keep acting in movies and even be in a superhero film one day. She imagines soaring through the skies, rescuing those in peril. Lisa also wants to travel to places she’s never been before, like a big adventure to find hidden treasures.

She hopes to learn new things, like how to paint even better and speak another language. Plus, she plans to keep making her garden beautiful and get a new pet friend for her dog and cat. Lisa’s future is bright and full of exciting plans!

Social Media Presence

Lisa Rose loves to share her adventures and happy moments with everyone online! like when you play with friends and share toys, Lisa uses the internet to share pictures and stories. She has a magic place on the internet called social media where she posts photos of her painting, her cute dog and cat, and places she visits.

Imagine having a big, digital photo album where your friends and family from far away can see what you’re doing and send you smiles and hearts. That’s what Lisa does! She loves getting sweet messages and sending them back, making a big circle of happiness. Isn’t it cool how we can connect and share joy through screens?


Painting: Lisa enjoys bringing her imagination to life with colors and brushes. She loves to paint pictures of nature, animals, and sometimes, even her dreams!

Reading: She adores diving into storybooks, exploring magical worlds, and going on adventures with characters. Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favorites.

Gardening: Lisa has a small garden where she grows flowers and vegetables. She likes planting seeds, watering her plants, and watching them grow.

Biking: Riding her bike in the park or around her neighborhood is one of Lisa’s favorite activities. She feels free and happy when she’s cycling.

Cooking: Lisa loves to cook yummy things! She tries new recipes and enjoys making cookies, cakes, and other treats for her friends and family.

Playing with Pets: Lisa has a fluffy dog and a playful cat. She spends lots of time playing and cuddling with them.

Traveling: Exploring new places is exciting for Lisa. She loves to visit the beach, the mountains, and different cities to learn about new cultures and meet new people.

Favorite Thing

Chocolate Ice Cream: Lisa thinks chocolate ice cream is the best treat. She loves it more than all other flavors because it’s sweet and yummy.

Sunny Days: Lisa loves when the sun is shining. Sunny days make her happy because she can play outside, go for bike rides, and have picnics in the park.

Cats: Out of all animals, cats are Lisa’s favorite. She loves their soft fur and the funny things they do. She enjoys playing and cuddling with her own cat.

The Color Pink: Pink is Lisa’s favorite color. She thinks it’s pretty and loves wearing pink clothes, and she even has pink decorations in her room.

Storytime: Lisa loves when it’s time to read stories. Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favorite because they are full of magic and fun characters.

Rainbows: Seeing a rainbow makes Lisa very excited. She loves all the colors and thinks rainbows are very special and beautiful.

Interesting Facts About

  • Lisa Rose has a special talent for making funny faces that can make anyone laugh. She masters two languages: her native Hungarian and English.
  • Lisa has a big collection of stuffed animals. She has names for all of them and treats them like real friends.
  • Sometimes, Lisa likes to make her own jewelry. She uses beads, strings, and even pasta to create colorful necklaces and bracelets.
  • She loves to sing and dance, especially when she’s alone in her room. She pretends she’s a pop star performing on a big stage.
  • Lisa has a secret recipe for the most delicious chocolate cake, which she only shares with her very best friends. She fears spiders, but she is learning to be brave and not run away when she sees one.


Do you have questions about Lisa Rose?

Here are some fun answers!

How old is Lisa?

She was born in 1980, so you can figure out her age from there.

What does Lisa like to do for fun?

She loves painting, biking, cooking, and playing with her pets.

Can Lisa speak any languages?

She is fluent in both Hungarian and English languages.

What is Lisa’s favorite ice cream?

She loves chocolate ice cream the most!

Does Lisa have any pets?

Yes, she has a fluffy dog and a playful cat she loves very much. Now you know some cool stuff about Lisa Rose!


In wrapping up, Lisa Rose’s life is like a colorful book. It’s filled with interesting stories. She has acted in movies and enjoyed simple pleasures. These include painting and biking. She shows us it’s important to do what we love and share our happiness with others.

Lisa tells us to find joy in each day. She does this by making funny faces, talking with animals, and exploring new places. Remember, like Lisa, always try new things and be kind to everyone, including spiders! Thanks for reading about Lisa Rose. Don’t forget, being happy and having fun is what makes life special! Keep smiling and exploring, like Lisa!


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