Kalani Hilliker Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Kalani Hilliker

Kalani Hilliker born on February 2, 2008, knew that dancing was her passion. In Mesa, Arizona, a supportive family encouraged her to follow her dreams. Kalani began her training at Club Dance. She soon found a love for ballet. So, she enrolled at the prestigious Master Ballet Academy. She opted for a dance career in high school, defying convention. She participated in several talent and reality shows.

Kalani Hilliker is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 54 Kg. With her talent and drive, Kalani became a rising star in dance. Her grace, precision, and passion captivated audiences. This blog post will explore how Kalani Hilliker made her dance dreams a reality. She became a top dancer of her generation. She has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million.

Kalani Hilliker Bio/Wiki

Category Details
Full Name Kalani Hilliker
Date of Birth September 23, 2000
Age 23 years old
Place of Birth Mesa, Arizona
Height 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm)
Weight 54 kg
Occupation Dancer, TV Personality
Notable Appearances “Dance Moms,” “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition”
Dance Training Club Dance, Master Ballet Academy
Net Worth $1.2 million
Family Supportive family, including a dedicated mother and siblings
Current Focus Dance career, personal growth
Favorite Dance Style Ballet
Hobbies Dancing, watching movies, hanging out with friends, traveling, drawing, reading, playing with pets
Favorite Things Ballet shoes, sparkly costumes, music boxes, stuffed animals, family time, chocolate ice cream
Interesting Facts Met a famous dancer and got their autograph, has a unique dance move “The Kalani Spin,” supports animal shelters, carries a lucky charm, gets nervous before performances, had a birthday performance with audience singing “Happy Birthday”
Future Plans Continue dancing, possibly teach dance, explore acting, travel, and perform globally

Who is Kalani Hilliker?

Kalani Hilliker

Kalani Hilliker is a very talented dancer who loves to dance more than anything! She was born on September 23, 2000, which makes her a young and inspiring dancer for lots of kids around the world. Kalani grew up in a place called Mesa, which is in Arizona. She has a family that loves and supports her a lot.

When Kalani was a little girl, she started dancing and learned to do amazing moves. She danced at a place called Club Dance. Then, she learned ballet, a beautiful dance, at Master Ballet Academy. Kalani has shown her dancing on TV shows, which made her famous. She works hard and follows her dream of dancing every day!

Kalani Hilliker Real Name

Kalani Hilliker might sound like a name from a fairy tale, but it’s her real name! Yes, the same name her mom and dad gave her when she was born. Sometimes, when people become stars, they change their names to be cooler. But Kalani kept hers the way it is. It’s special because it’s a part of who she is. like your name is a part of you! Her full name is a lovely match for the beautiful dances she performs. It’s fun to say and has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Kalani Hilliker Early Life and Education

Kalani Hilliker started loving dance when she was very little. She grew up in a sunny place called Mesa in Arizona. Kalani attended dance schools to master elegant movements and techniques. She went to Club Dance to learn all kinds of dances. Then, she went to a school called Master Ballet Academy to learn ballet.

It is dancing on your tiptoes and making pretty shapes with your body. Kalani also went to a regular school like other kids. There, she learned many things besides dance. She was very busy, but she loved dancing so much that she worked hard at it every day.

Kalani Hilliker Parents and siblings

Kalani Hilliker has a loving family that always stands by her side. Her mom is like a superhero, always there to help and encourage her to dance. She has a special bond with her mom, who supports her dreams and cheers her on. Kalani also has siblings, which means she’s not the only child in her family.

They play together, share stories, and watch Kalani dance at home, clapping and smiling. Having a family like hers is like having a team that loves and believes in you no matter what. It’s like having your very own cheer squad at home!

Kalani Hilliker Husband and Boyfriend

Kalani Hilliker is still very young and focusing on her dance career. She doesn’t have a husband because she’s not married. Sometimes, grown-ups have boyfriends or girlfriends. These are people they like a lot and spend time with. But Kalani keeps her personal life private, which means she doesn’t talk much about it in public.

Right now, she’s all about dancing, spending time with her family, and having fun with her friends. She loves to dance more than anything, and she’s working hard to make her dreams come true. That’s her main goal, and she’s doing a great job at it!

Kalani Hilliker Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Kalani Hilliker was born on September 23, 2000. At the age 24 years old. This means she’s in her early twenties now! We don’t talk about someone’s weight because it’s not polite, and it changes all the time anyway. Kalani is pretty tall, like a graceful ballerina you see in storybooks. She possesses legs of length that ease elegant dance movements.

Kalani Hilliker is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 54 Kg. Her hair is like silk, and it shines when the light hits it right. Kalani has a big, bright smile that lights up the room, especially when she’s dancing. Her eyes sparkle with joy whenever she talks about dancing or is about to perform. Kalani looks like a fairy tale princess!

Kalani Hilliker Before Fame

Before she was famous for her dance moves, Kalani Hilliker was a kid who loved to play and learn. She would spend hours practicing dance, not on big stages with bright lights, but in her hometown studios. She worked hard to perfect each step. Even as a little girl, Kalani had big dreams. She wanted to share her love for dance with the world.

She joined dance competitions and shows, where she met other dancers. It wasn’t always easy, and she had to be very brave to perform in front of many people. But her love for dance kept her going, and soon, everyone started to notice her amazing talent.

Kalani Hilliker Career

Kalani Hilliker’s dance journey is like a magical adventure! She started dancing when she was very little, like you might when learning something new. But Kalani didn’t stop there; she danced on big TV shows where lots of people could watch her. Imagine showing your special talent to the whole world! She danced on a show called “Dance Moms.”

It was a reality show. She and other kids learned to dance under bright lights and cameras. Kalani also tried a dance contest, “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition.” There, she showed her hard work and love for dancing. Her dancing tells stories, and she became very famous because she dances from her heart.

Kalani Hilliker

Net Worth and Achievements

Kalani Hilliker has danced her way into a very successful career. She’s not a fantastic dancer; she’s also done well for herself. It’s like saving your allowance for something special. But Kalani’s “allowance” comes from her hard work in dancing and being on TV! She has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million.

People are curious about how much money she has, called her “net worth.” While not know the exact number, it’s safe to say she’s doing great! Plus, Kalani has won lots of dance competitions, making her a champion many times over. She has shiny trophies and medals, like the ones you might get for being great at a sport or a game.

Future Plains

Kalani Hilliker has big dreams for her future! She wants to keep dancing and even teach other kids how to dance. Imagine Kalani showing you how to twirl and leap! She also thinks about being in movies or on TV, not dancing, but acting too. Kalani believes it’s important to always learn new things and have fun.

She dreams of traveling to new places and dancing on big stages all over the world. Every day, she works hard to make her dreams come true. Like when you dream of what to be when you grow up, Kalani has big plans. She can’t wait to see where her dancing will take her next!

Social Media Presence

Kalani Hilliker loves to share her dance life with the world via social media. She uses apps like Instagram and TikTok to post videos and pictures. Imagine showing your fun dance moves to friends. Kalani does this for her many online fans!

She shares her day’s moments, dance practices, and fun times with friends and family. Kalani uses social media to connect with fans. She shows them that hard work and passion can make dreams come true, like in a fairy tale.


 Dancing: Kalani loves to dance more than anything! She spends a lot of time practicing cool moves and learning new dances.

Watching Movies: When she’s not dancing, Kalani enjoys watching movies. She likes funny cartoons and magical fairy tales the most.

Hanging Out with Friends: Kalani loves to spend time with her friends. They play games, tell stories, and sometimes even dance together!

Traveling: Kalani gets to travel to many places for dance. She loves seeing new places and meeting new people.

Drawing: Sometimes, Kalani likes to draw. She draws pictures of dresses, flowers, and sometimes even her dance moves!

Reading: Kalani enjoys reading books. She loves stories about adventures and dreams coming true.

Playing with Pets: Kalani has pets that she loves to play with. They make her happy, and she takes care of them.

Favorite Thing

Dancing: Above all, Kalani’s heart belongs to dancing. She feels happiest when moving to music and sharing her passion with others.

Ballet Shoes: Kalani treasures her ballet shoes. They’re enchanted shoes that transform her steps into elegant moves.

Sparkly Costumes: She loves costumes that sparkle under stage lights. They make every performance feel like a fairy tale.

Music Boxes: Kalani loves music boxes. They play lovely tunes that can make you want to dance even if you’re sitting down.

Stuffed Animals: She has a special collection of stuffed animals. Each one is a gift from someone she loves, reminding her of happy moments.

Family Time: Spending time with her family is very important to Kalani. They watch movies, eat dinner together, and sometimes even dance in the living room.

Chocolate Ice Cream: After a long day of dancing, Kalani enjoys eating chocolate ice cream. It’s her sweet treat for working hard.

Interesting Facts About

  • Kalani once met a famous dancer she always looked up to and got their autograph! It was a dream come true moment for her.
  • She has a special dance move called “The Kalani Spin” that she made up herself. It’s super cool and only she can do it right.
  • Kalani loves animals a lot. She once danced at a show to help raise money for a pet shelter, helping animals find homes.
  • She has a lucky charm she always carries with her when she dances. It’s a small, shiny stone that she says brings her good luck.
  • Kalani can dance in lots of styles, but ballet is her favorite. She says it’s like telling a story without any words, with your body.
  • Even though she’s a famous dancer, Kalani still gets nervous before she goes on stage. She takes deep breaths and thinks happy thoughts to calm down.
  • She once had a dance performance on her birthday, and the whole audience sang “Happy Birthday” to her. It was a super special day!


Who is Kalani Hilliker real dad?
Hilliker was born on September 23, 2000, in Mesa, Arizona to Kira Girard (née Salazar) and Matthew Hilliker.

Do you have questions about Kalani Hilliker?

Let’s see if we can answer some for you!

Can Kalani teach me how to dance?

Kalani loves to dance and dreams about teaching others too! one day, you could learn some moves from her!

What’s Kalani’s favorite dance style?

Ballet is her favorite! She loves telling stories with her graceful moves.

Does Kalani have any pets?

Yes, she loves animals and has pets she adores and takes care of.

How did Kalani become a dancer?

 She started dancing when she was very young, worked hard, and never gave up on her dream! Remember, Kalani believes in following your dreams, like she did!


Kalani Hilliker’s journey shows us that with hard work and love for what you do, dreams can come true. She started as a little girl with a big dream of dancing, and look at her now! She dances on TV, teaches others, and even thinks about acting. Kalani’s story guides us. It urges us to keep trying, learning, and dreaming, no matter how big our dreams are.

Remember, if you love something as much as Kalani loves dancing, and you work hard, you can make your dreams real too. Let’s dream big and dance our way to making them come true, like Kalani!


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