Mandy Dee Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Mandy Dee

  Mandy Dee is a famous Russian film actress. Her captivating performances and stunning looks have made her well-known. Mandy Dee was born on January 23, 1988, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Mandy Deehas captured many hearts with her talent and beauty. She has had a successful career in videos and web scenes. She has become a household name in entertainment.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 52 kilograms. She is net worth(approx.) $150K USD. As we’ve near 2024, fans want to know more about this talented actress. They want to know about her age, career, family, net worth, and height.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the life of Mandy Dee. explore her early days, rise to fame, personal life, and body size. Stay tuned to learn more about this remarkable actress. She continues to captivate audiences with her charm and talent.

Mandy Dee Bio/Wiki

Mandy Dee (Dasha Makarova)
Actress & Model
Years Active
2008 – 2015
Net Worth (approx.)
150K USD

Who is Mandy Dee?

Mandy Dee

Mandy Dee is a famous movie star from Russia. She was born in a big city called Saint Petersburg. Mandy has been in many movies and shows that people watch on the internet. She has pretty eyes and a big smile that makes lots of people like watching her.

Mandy became a star because she’s very good at acting, and she loves to make people happy with her movies. She has many fans who enjoy her work and always wait to see her in new movies. Mandy likes to share stories and bring joy to others through her acting. She works hard and has fun being a part of the movie world.

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Mandy Dee Real Name

Mandy Dee’s real name is something special that her mom and dad gave her when she was born. You might have a nickname that your friends or family call you. Mandy Dee is a name she chose for herself when she became an actress. Her real name is a secret that she keeps private, like how you might have a secret treasure or a special toy.

It’s important to have things for ourselves. For Mandy, her real name is something personal for her and her family. But whether we call her Mandy Dee or by her real name. She’s still the same joyful person. She loves to act in movies and is talented.

Mandy Dee Early Life and Education

Mandy Dee grew up in a big, beautiful city called Saint Petersburg, which is in Russia. As a little girl, she went to school like you do! Imagine her carrying a backpack, learning her ABCs, and making friends. She participated in recess and enjoyed certain classes in school. Mandy liked to learn new things and was curious about the world around her.

Like how you might enjoy drawing, reading, or playing sports, Mandy had things she loved to do too. She filled her school days with learning, playing, and dreaming about what she wanted to be when she grew up. Back then, she already dreamed of being a star!

Mandy Dee Personal Life

Nick Name / Stage Name
Amelie Doll
Tracy Lyons
Amelie Jones
Born (Date of Birth)
23 January 1988
Age (as 2024)
36 Years
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Zodiac Sign
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mandy Dee Parents and siblings

Mandy Dee grew up with her family in the big city of Saint Petersburg. She has a mom and dad who love her very much. They always supported her dreams, even when she wanted to become an actress. Mandy might also have brothers or sisters, but it’s like a secret story she hasn’t shared yet. It’s like you have your family who cheers for you at your soccer games.

They also clap when you finish your school play. Mandy’s family was there for her too. They were her first fans! Imagine having your family watching and being proud of you; that’s how Mandy felt growing up. They all share special moments. They create happy memories together, like your family does with you.

Mandy Dee Husband and Boyfriend

Mandy Dee keeps her heart matters like a beautiful, secret garden. Like in fairy tales, princes and princesses have magical love stories. Mandy might have her own prince or special someone. But, she chooses to keep this part of her life like a hidden treasure map, not shared with the world. It’s like having a best friend or a favorite stuffed animal.

You don’t tell everyone about them because they’re special to you. Mandy believes that the heart writes some stories in its book. Only those who are part of the tale turn its pages. We may not know about her husband or boyfriend. But, we can imagine she treasures love and friendship, like

Age, weight, height, and physical appearance

168 cm
1.68 m
5 feet 6 in
52 KG
114 lbs (pounds)
Eye Color
Hair Color
Figure Size
Dress Size
36 (EU)

Mandy Dee is a bright star who has been shining in movies for many years. She was born when the snow was falling in January 1988, which makes her 36 years old as we look forward to 2024. She stands tall like a graceful swan, with a height that many little girls dream of reaching one day.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 52 kilograms. While her weight is right for her, making her look strong and healthy. Mandy has a smile that lights up the room and hair that waves like the ocean. Her eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky. They make her appearance as enchanting as a fairy tale princess.

Before Fame

Before Mandy Dee was a star on the big screen, she was a girl with big dreams. She lived in a place called Saint Petersburg, which is very far away in Russia. Back then, Mandy loved to play pretend, acting out stories where she was the hero or a magical princess. She enjoyed making her friends and family laugh and smile with her little shows.

Mandy always knew she wanted to be an actress. She wanted to tell stories to many people, not her friends and family. Every day, she worked hard to learn to be the best actress she could be. She dreamed of the day she’d be on TV for all to see.


Mandy Dee started her adventure in movies a long time ago. She first stepped in front of a camera. She showed everyone how well she could pretend to be different characters. It’s like when you dress up and play make-believe, Mandy does the same thing, but for her job! She acts in stories on the internet where people from all over the world can see her.

Imagine playing a game. Your friends from places you’ve never visited watch and cheer you on. That’s what Mandy does! She works with other actors. She makes believe stories come to life, making many people smile and enjoy watching her.

Net Worth and Achievements

Mandy Dee is like a treasure hunter who has found lots of shiny treasures in her acting journey. She has collected a big pile of treasures, which grown-ups call “net worth.” This means she has earned lots of money because she is so good at acting in her movies. Imagine a chest full of gold coins and jewels!  She is net worth(approx.) $150K USD.

Along her adventure, Mandy has also won awards, like getting gold stars on your homework. These awards are special thank-yous from people who enjoy watching her act. They’re like saying, “Mandy, you did an amazing job!” And Mandy keeps these awards as reminders of all the fun and hard work she’s put into her acting.

Future Plains

Mandy Dee has big dreams for her future! She wants to be in even more movies and tell stories that make people laugh, cry, and feel happy. Mandy hopes to travel to new places and meet fans from all around the world. She dreams of acting in a big movie that lots of kids and grown-ups will watch together.

Mandy also wants to learn new things that can help her be an even better actress. One day, she’ll act as a superhero or a magical fairy. Mandy is excited to continue acting. She will share her talent and make her dreams come true, no matter what.

Social Media Presence

Mandy Dee loves to share bits of her life and acting adventures online. Like how you might play with friends in a digital world, Mandy uses social media to connect with her fans. She posts pictures and stories. They show her smiling face, the beautiful places she visits, and fun moments from her day.

It’s like she’s inviting everyone to a magical show and tell! By using the internet, Mandy makes sure no one misses out on her journey, spreading joy and smiles far and wide. Think of it as sharing your favorite toy or game with friends. But, Mandy shares her world with people everywhere.


Reading: She enjoys reading fairy tales and adventure stories. Picture her absorbed in a tale of soaring dragons and heroic princesses.

Baking: Mandy likes to bake cookies and cupcakes. She enjoys mixing the batter. She likes decorating them with frosting. And of course, she likes tasting her yummy creations.

Dancing: When music plays, Mandy can’t help but dance. She twirls and jumps around, feeling as free as a butterfly.

Gardening: Mandy has a little garden where she grows flowers and vegetables. She likes to get her hands dirty and see her plants grow tall and beautiful.

Playing with pets: Mandy has a fluffy cat and a playful dog. She spends lots of time playing fetch and cuddling with them.

Favorite Thing

  • Mandy Dee has many passions, but one stands out: exploring nature. Mandy loves to spend her time outdoors, exploring nature’s beauty. Whether it’s a sunny beach or a snowy hill, she finds joy in the simple wonders around her.
  • She especially loves watching the sunrise and sunset, seeing all the pretty colors in the sky.
  • Walking through forests and listening to the birds sing makes her very happy.
  • Stargazing: On clear nights, Mandy enjoys looking up at the stars. She’s fascinated by the constellations and the stories behind them.
  • She dreams of flying to the moon and dancing among the stars.
  • Storytelling: Telling stories is not her job but her passion. She loves to create magical tales. They transport her and her listeners to enchanted worlds.
  • She uses her imagination to make up stories. In them, anything is possible. There are talking animals and flying carpets.

Interesting Facts About

  • Mandy Dee can speak two languages! Imagine talking to your friends in one language and then switching to another. It’s like having a secret code.
  • She learned to dance before she became an actress. Picture her spinning and jumping around, like a ballerina.
  • Mandy has traveled to over 20 countries. Think of her as a treasure hunter, exploring new places and finding exciting things.
  • She loves animals and once helped take care of baby turtles on a beach. It’s like she was a superhero for these tiny creatures.
  • Mandy is a big fan of comic books. She enjoys reading about superheroes and their adventures. She dreams of having superpowers.
  • She can play the piano. Imagine her fingers dancing across the keys. They make beautiful music that fills the room.
  • Mandy has a collection of hats from different parts of the world. Each hat tells a story of a place she visited, like a memory she can wear.


 How did Mandy become an actress?

 Mandy loved to play pretend and act out stories since she was little. She worked hard and followed her dream to act in movies for everyone to see!

 Does Mandy have any pets?

Yes, she has a fluffy cat and a playful dog. She loves playing and cuddling with them a lot.

 What are Mandy’s hobbies?

Mandy enjoys drawing. She also likes exciting stories. She also likes baking yummy treats. Mandy Dee also likes dancing to music. And she likes gardening. She also likes spending time with her pets.

 Can Mandy speak any other languages?

Yes, Mandy can speak two languages, making it fun to talk to more friends!


We are wrapping up our magical journey about Mandy Dee. We peeked into her world, filled with dreams, stories, and adventures. Mandy teaches us to chase our dreams, love our families, and treasure every moment. Her life is like a beautiful book with pages full of joy, laughter, and learning.

Remember, we can all share happiness and kindness. One can do this by acting, drawing, or playing with pets, like Mandy. So, let’s keep dreaming big and making our own stories, inspired by Mandy’s sparkle and spirit. Who knows. One day, we’ll shine bright like her in our own magical way.


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